Suspected Issues

Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks devlog.

This week was spent working on the evidence board, building new systems and working out issues and bugs. 

This week started with the implementation of alibi's; the chosen suspects story for where they were during the murder of the victim. This cell is here to let the player see that selected suspects story to compare and fact check against what you have gathered. Look for inconsistencies and see just how trustworthy some folk are.

The initial task was to feed information into the alibi. The system will be triggered by whoever is selected. We put together a temporary alibi to feed into the system. The feed worked, but it took a while to get the alibi popup to display the same information. The problem was simply overthinking what we needed to do. Unfortunately, I would make this same mistake with the evidence popup.
Before we moved to the evidence popup, I wanted to finally fix a niggling bug with the evidence display. A small fault with the logic caused the first instantiated photo to be blank. After consulting Chris; the creator of Adventure Creator (who is VERY good with customer support!), a small change in the code fixed that issue right up!

The evidence popup was difficult to create. I needed to work out a way to take information from AC and feed it into the evidence photos, then take that evidence and feed it into the popup object. I created a script component for the photo prefab and instantiated a popup object to appear when the player pressed the space key while hovering over.  The popup wouldn't appear at first, so we had to tweak what canvas the popup appeared on.  After fixing that issue, another one arrived. The image would not transfer. It was at this point in the week I started to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. I hadn't been sleeping as much as I should have and was working on more than one project. By the time the error had come around. I was not mentally able to solve the problem.
After a long sleep, I returned the problem and found a solution. If there is any lesson to take away from this devlog it would be this:
You are not indestructible.
You need sleep, you need food and you need to maintain your hygiene. Failing any of these will make you effectively useless to the project and others. It does not hurt at all to pace yourself and not pile everything on at once under the mentality that you can just "take it". The brain does not work that way and will fail you if you try.

In the end, the system did work. But it could have been done much smoother.
The last part of the puzzle is to add in the suspects. This was by far, the easiest thing to accomplish this week. Using the same system as the evidence grid to the house and generate the suspects. The icons are just placeholders for now, they will be replaced as soon as we hire a new artist.

Work on the evidence board will continue into next week, but it will be the last week we work on it. We will still be going ahead with experiments with randomisation and 2.5D areas. 
Thank you for reading our Sunday devlog! I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to read these updates and take an interest in the project.

Have a great week!

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